This company,Get a Huge, has advetisments in is it a good company to buy from? They advertise a tank that I might be interested in, 60x24x24 Acrylic tank for $682.00 plus shipping. As some of you have read I found a LFS in my area that has a used tank for sell, general feelings were it wasn't that good of a deal. The LFS I have here dosn't impress me, its small, dark and dirty. Some of their empty tanks need cleaned, the water is dirty and the so called LR that is in the tanks has something that looks like cob webs growing of it. There is another store about 1 1/2 hours away from my house. I have friends in that town , I will have them check it out for me. The point of all this, I dont think I will be buying much from this store, and that is going to leave me buying most of my stuff on line, with this Forums help and recomendations. I don't mind buying equipment on line, I hate the idea buying fish and LR on line. Now, back to the above tank, what do you think? If I buy an Acrylic tank, do I want a hole drilled in it so that I can run a pipe to a sump tank under my fish tank stand, where does this hole need to be placed? Has anyone bought LR on line with good resualts, if so what is the company name? Get A Huge advertises LR, anyway I have to get a tank before I can start a tank. lol