Fish to and not to add


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
Visit site
ok 35 gallon tank, just changed it to a community tank and so far i got as follows:

5 zerba danios
2 red wigwags
1 dwarf gourami

i was wondering what fish would not be suitable with the ones i have so i dont make a mistake. Also how many more fish do u recommend i able to add become i am fully stocked? Also if u wanna recommend some fish id be glad to consider. :) thanx


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
Visit site
Originally posted by amishfignewton
I would not add any chiclids or laberinth fish (bettas, gouramis, paradise fish, etc)
i already have 1 dwarf gourami, this bad? They are labeled community too

and one of my zebras disppeared this morning, cant find him at all.


Superstar Fish
Hey, no, your existing gourami isn't bad at all. In fact, I have no clue why you shouldn't add more labrynth fish. I have three dwarf gouramis (which are considered a schooling fish) and they love each other to death. Harlequin rasboras are beautiful, as are scissortails rasboras (yes i love these two, as you can see from my profile) are also fine with the gouramis. I would, however, stay away from any bettas, simply because the gourami can be a little aggressive to fish of similar size. how about something different, like a little african dwarf frog? Some cardinal or neon tetras would also add a lot of color to your tank and dont get all that big. I would consider getting another dwarf gourami...