Fish to put w/ betta in a 10 gallon tank?

Sep 2, 2006
I went by the LFS's today to try and find a few Harliquin Rasboras for my 10 gal tank. Nobody had any and it will be a few weeks before they get any more in. So, I was wondering what other fish I might put in with Mr. Betta. A few options that I have considered are:

suck it up and wait for the Rasboras (what about other types of Rasboras?)

Cory cats - bottom feeder, peaceful yet active fish from what I have seen

Black neon tetras - from what I have read, pretty peaceful fish but fast and eat anything. Might make feeding the betta more difficult.

Ghost shrimp - bottom feeder, a bit dull though

upsidedown catfish - bottome feeder, loner, and interesting fish.

I may get some ghost shrimp if I do get something that is not a bottom feeder just to sorta keep things picked up. Of all of the options that I have listed, the Cory Cats and ghost shrimp would be the easiest to get. I have never walked into ANY of my LFSs and not seen them.

I am of course open to comments, and suggestions of other fish to add to the tank. Please remember, I want this to be the Betta's tank first. Shiggy should be the Alpha fish in the tank. The others are there as support players, but I don't want them to be totally dull

Sep 6, 2006
NS, Canada
I agree; Corys are really cute and fun to watch; I had one in with my betta and they did alright but my betta was a little aggressive to him so I guess it could depend on your fish? I moved my cory in with some white clouds and he's one of my fave fish ^.^ It's fun to watch him go nuts when I feed them!

I have also successfully kept a small school of white clouds with my betta, and though most people will say that's a bad idea because white clouds are coldwater, I had them both in temps of 76-78 without any problems.

Good luck with your betta! ^.^

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