Fish/Turttle tank


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
So I have Red eared slider turtle in a 40 gal she’s happy and I like her. I saw a Black Knobbed sawback turtle at the dish store the other day and thought they looked really cool. They don’t get very big so I’m thinking about a 125ish gal. tank with three or four sawback turtles and some sort of fish with them. I’m not sure what kind of fish to put with them but since the turtles don’t get too big I don’t think it will be too hard to find some that won’t get eaten.

I was wondering if any one had advice or thoughts on this idea, I’m wondering about what fish to get and what kind/ what size filtration to set up.


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
Yeah I’m thinking about a sump filter as big as will fit (30 to 40 gal). Also a protein skimmer in there to help with all the stuff from the turtles.


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
lol yeah i'm not too worried about filtration. I'l just go as crazy as money allows me. I'm mainly wondering about fish? i think tank water will be low to mid 70's i can increase it if neccary. And ph i think needs to be pretty close to 7. Plus there will be a good full spectrum light which will propably be good for the fish? But also algae so i'm wondering about controlling that? If i have a sump filter and have a chamber with like java moss would this help keep algae groth down?


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
you can try some fish that are both fast and fairly robust, but generally, just about any fish will become fair game as turtle food in the long run.

i don't how big your slider is right now, but she'll need most of the space in a 125 gallon eventually. --> REALLY REALLY great source ;) i'd LOVE to see pictures!!


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
I know that nothing can live with my slider she is pretty much full grown. I had her in a 125 gal for a while but that tank left my house, and anything that went in there was gone by morning. Including wild perch almost her size. and a 3" Bala shark my brother bet me she couldn't catch.

I'm thinking about a 150 (was thinking 125 but i belive the 150 are deeper which would be better) and having the black knobbed sawback's in there, three or so of them. Males get to be 3"- 4" and females get to be 6"10" so if i could get males only i think they would be less likly to eat certin fish... just not sure which ones would be good for this set up.

... this project just got extended out because i found out these turtles cost a lot, so i have time to figure this all out.


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
she's beautiful!! :D can you tell i love turtles? i wish i could keep one (or two, or three...), but i just don't have the space or the money. the fish are bad enough as it is!! ;) she's a cutie though.


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
Yeah, i got her (been caller it a him until i recently found out the sex) about 5 years or so ago (i think she is about 7ish now). Girlfriend that was living with me at the time wanted one so i did, about a week later i found out they can live upto 30 years :eek: But she's cool i want to get something bigger than a 40 gal when money allows.

Not that i've seen a lot but seems pretty big compared to others i've seen in pictures