fish, vegetables and fruit


Small Fish
Sep 21, 2011
I just bought a snail and the sales clerk at PetSmart told me that snails can eat cantaloupe and watermelon. Is this true. She also said that goldfish eat this as well. In fact it suppose to be better for them. They also are suppose to like peas and lettuce as well. I am just curious to see if this correct because I have never heard of it and am wondering if other people have heard of it before. Thank u.


Superstar Fish
With all the natural sugar in them it would be a great carbon source but, I would be very hesitant to put it in my tank in any large quantity. If I had a fish in the tank that liked it I might give them/him/her a small piece on the rare occasion I had some but, I would not make any special efforts to feed them that. I feed my cichlids meat I have cooked for dinner every now and then and they all love raw hot dogs and hamburger!!!!


Small Fish
Sep 21, 2011
They all sound interesting. I tried giving my fish a bite of orange. One of them took a nibble but that was it. The same thing with a bite of apple. I think I will try peas and some lettuce and see how they like it. Thanks again