Fish wish/want list:

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
I have compiled a list of fish and their max sizes that I would like to keep in my system. I do not plan on keeping all of these fish, but merely a list for me to refer to when I am ready to purchase. I will post my original list and then revise it on the suggestions of my local reefer forum.

My setup will consist of two 55g tanks. One will be a reef with LPS, zoas, and softies, maybe SPS and the other tank will be a FOWLR. Both tanks will be feed into a 20g sump with three chambers and the center chamber will have a refugium for some cheato. My skimmer is rated for 150 gallons and will be in the first section in the sump. My return pump is Mag 9.5 that will split and be fed into each tank via 1/2" bulkhead. I have koralia 4, MJ 1200 x 2, and several smaller powerheads for additional water movement. My lighting on the reef will be a 4x54 HOT5 with two 10k and two actinics and 4 moon lights, lighting over FOWLR will be a normal 48" T12 fixture and bulb. If I missed anything just ask.


Reef: Blue Devil(2.5 in), Firefish(3 in), Frogfish(5in), Goby(4 in), Longnose Hawkfish(5 in), Jawfish(3.5 in, DSB), Wrasse(?), Bicolor blenny(4in), Anglerfish(10in),

FOWLR: Butterfly fish(6in), Marine Betta(7in), Wrasse(?), Lionfish(15 in)

I didn't realize the blue devil was a damsel and I don't want any damsels in my tanks. I have also been told that the frogfish anglerfish and lionfish will have to go. Although a minature lion may work.

I am so oblivious to size requirements for SW fish. I had my heart set on having a yellow tang in my tank, but have been told from the beginning that they need more swim space then a 55g could give them. I have since given up the idea of owning one in my current setup. Please help me make good decisions in regards to my fish list. Any suggestions of fish that might fit into my plans as well or replacements for bad fish on my list Any and all critisms are welcomed.



Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I am not going to give you any advice on your fish list, I am a newbe myself and don't know enought to give advice on just about any subject, will leave that to the experts here. What advice I will give you is this: if you havent gotten your two 55g tanks and your lights yet, I would shop around for a used tank that would be big enough to have your yellow Tang, you will end up wanting the bigger tank anyway. I work about 9 to 10 hours a day at the job and maintaning my one tank takes most of my time, I like doing it and its no problem, but I think I could not maintain two tanks, well I could, but it would be a bit much. I am just saying, make sure you know what your getting into with two tanks.

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
Nothing about the list? Must be a good list I've compiled. Yes Strout, I had the extra tanks already in the basement and all lights, stands, pumps, etc are purchased. It is now just the process of putting them all together. I really planned on using the FOWLR tank as more of a refugium with a few fish but the extra gallonage for the space worked perfect for my living arrangement.

Maybe a few comments on this list then:
Reef: Longnose Hawkfish, Bicolor Blennie, some type of wrasse(suggestions welcome), some type of goby(suggestions welcome), firefish

Could I have them all in the tank? Any fish that would fight for space on this list?

Thanks for looking


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Well here are a few comments....the longnose hawk may not be totally reef safe as it may eat some of your crustaceans.....snails etc. Bi-color blennies have been known to eat coral polyps.....I know this as I have watched mine plow through one sps after another to the point I have given up entirely sps in my 75. I would suggest a midas blenny as an alternative. A wrasse is always a good choice as long as it is a flasher type or reef safe such as a six line etc, watch your selection carefully to ensure you get a reef safe one. Remember that if you get a wrasse you will probably not maintain enough pods to feed both the wrasses and any dragonet or mandarin goby as they are called. If you have a sand bed I would suggest a goby/pistol shrimp pair for interest or a diamond gobie to keep your sand clean. Firefish are nice attractive fish somewhat docile so shouldn't be kept with any aggressive fish such as damsels etc. I prefer the purple ones..... You could easily keep a midas blenny, hawkfish, gobie and firefish in the 55 gallon.

Also if you are having a reef remember that some soft corals such as sinularia and other leathers give off toxic chemicals and need to be kept far away from any sps as they will combat each other through chemical warfare. Read on aleopathy amongst coral species. Good Luck!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
sry skipped yur list the other day i was busy n had to run.... on the hawk fish id pass on it since itll interfear with your cleanup crew ;) maybe replace it with a dwarf angel of some sort? on the wrasse, my suggestion is a fairy wrasse or sixline but if u go with a sixline u wanna add it last! like lorna says midas blenny over bicolor plus IMO they look better.... are u against clown fish? i think every reef should have a pair :p oh and fire fish are cool but they are jumpers so u need to make sure he cant get out


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
as are the wrasses, midas blenny also......a tight fitting lid or egg crate is essential so you don't come home to carpet surfing fish......I second the dwarf angel......such as a pygmy or coral beauty.