Fishless Cycle FYI (just for the curious)

Sep 11, 2005
So I've had my 40g awaiting cichlids for over six months now. I had it all cycled up and ready to go then I suddenly found I didn't have the loot for the fish. So I kept it artificially cycled to await more money.

Somewhere along the line, I lost interest in the hobby and just stopped feeding the ammonia.

A good two months passed and then a few weeks ago I decided to get back on top of things. I dropped in some ammonia.

The next day's test was uncanny - 0 ppm!

Then the next day I tested nitrite, and it was off the chart.

Conclusion is that the bacteria which eats ammonia somehow survived all that time without a food source. But the nitrite bacteria did not.

However, the nitrite part of the cycle was finished within only a if some of the bacteria had survived.

Not important I know, but I figured it might be valuable information to someone, somewhere, somehow, someway.

Sep 11, 2005
Pure said:
There is a reason bacteria are one of the oldest living organisms on the planet. ;)

egad! :eek: loose interest in the hobby!?! Shush man my wife my see that.

haaha, nah no need to worry...I have a sort of a depression kind of issue so I tend to lose interest in everything from time to time. It sucks, especially when I stop drumming and have to re-practice just to get mediocre again! *crazysmil