fishless cycle


New Fish
Nov 2, 2011
doing a fishless cycle for about 3 weeks now! ammonia lvls at 8 ppm or so? nitrite lvls are bairly at .25 ppm is this normal? PH lvls 8.4, temp at 75 degrees is this normal?????:confused:

Feb 27, 2009
Sounds like your tank is well on its way to being cycled if you have nitrates showing. What are you doing to add ammonia to the tank? It looks like the biofilter is there, but may be overwhelmed by the amount of ammonia coming in now.


Superstar Fish
Sounds like your tank is well on its way to being cycled if you have nitrates showing. What are you doing to add ammonia to the tank? It looks like the biofilter is there, but may be overwhelmed by the amount of ammonia coming in now.
I was wondering the same thing, its like numbers from an extremely over stocked tank. I thought maybe they were using strips for testing and not getting accurate readings for some reason.

Feb 27, 2009
If there is no fishfood or anything else decaying in your tank, this is what I would do:

Re-read the instructions and be sure to shake the crap outa the testing bottles. Then test now for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

Then do a 50% water change, and immediately re-test.

If you don't get a 50% reduction in all of your readings, something is amiss with your testing.

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Superstar Fish
Do what OC says first!!!! You have something strange going on. Let us know what you find? Below is the cycle procedure I like to use.
What kind of water conditioner are you using when you WC? You have really strange readings. I like to cycle my tanks with a piece or two of raw shrimp from the meat market. I remove the shell and throw it in. Track your parameters, ammonia will spike and reduce while nitrite will spike and reduce while nitrate will start to go up slowly. Once your ammonia and nitrite are not showing you need to do about a 20% ish water change and watch your 3 parameters for 24 hours. If there are no increases in ammonia or nitrite you are OK to slowly add a fish or two every week or so as long as your parameters stay good.


New Fish
Nov 2, 2011
did a 50% wc! My new readings r ammonia between 1 and 2 ppm, nitrite between .50 and 1 ppm, nitrate between 40 and 80 ppm!!!! Going to petco tomorrow with a water sample and have them test it!! as for my water conditioner i am using aquasafe for now! Think of switching to prime?


New Fish
Nov 2, 2011
*thumbsdowI have a private well could this be a possible reason for my strange readings???? All i know is i hate just looking at a empty fish tank!:(


Superstar Fish
If you have well water and not city water you should not need to use any conditioner at all. Well water is great for aquariums! Its usually hard water and has the basic minerals fish need anyway and it should have a ROCK solid pH level. I think you need to wait it out still, its still coming along. I know its hard not having fish in the tank but, its better then killing your pet. I have been doing fish since 1978 and its never gotten any easier to resist going to the LFS for some new stock!!! For the new tank!!! Maybe you should try the shrimp thing instead of the adding ammonia deal..??..!!..?? Anyway, before jumping to a new cycling deal let it set about 24/48 hrs and see if the nitrite goes up. If it does this is good, also leave the hood up on the tank if it has one. This will provide good area for the gas exchange to happen and it will expose the water to the bacteria in the air as well which can help the cycle. While on this subject be sure you have a lot of surface movement on the water as this is also important to the nitrogen cycle you are trying to make happen. OC will have some pointers too, I have been working for about 5 HRS on one of my Transmission websites so my brain is a bit frazzled right now anyhow.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
go get a shrimp from the super market, a fresh one (one that youd eat) and throw it in the tank. it will feed the bacteria, because just letting water cycle doesnt keep bacteria alive. fish food works too, but rotting shrimp can make it faster. and turn up theheat to 80 also.