Fishless cycling

Mar 17, 2010
I'm setting up a 50 gallon tank and I'm doing the fishless cycling thing. I'm pleased with the progress so far. Ammonia levels are down to zero and I'm waiting for the nitrite levels to come down (they're currently > 5ppm). I'm dropping about 3 teaspoons of ammonia in the tank each day to keep the cycle going.

But I'm wondering if that's enough. I'd like to stock the tank with 3 fancy goldfish and I believe, once the tank is fully cycled and I've done a big water change to get the nitrate levels down, I should be able to put them all in at once. My question is, will those 3 fancy goldfish produce more ammonia than the 3 teaspoons a day I'm getting my tank accustomed to? It seems unlikely to me, but does anyone have a feel for that?


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
dont add them all at once, introduce 1 each week i say ( if they are big). this helps bacteria colony to adjust to new levels of ammonia etc to process. make sure you have big filters with lots of sponge media. this helps tremendously.

Feb 27, 2009
I agree with anshuman, and that is one goldie expert there!

They are quite the waste producers and it would be better safe than sorry, so following those directions would be what I would do personally.