FishsheetA6: Need Reviews and Collaboration


Medium Fish
Aug 20, 2009

Call me MOA (math-only aquarium). I have been working on a pet project for some time and have finally been able to dedicate a website to it:

This project is a new set of guidelines to replace the inaccurate inch-per gallon rule. The guidelines (for ease of use) have been incorporated into a spreadsheet format called FishsheetA6 (available on second page of website). The reason I did not simply attach it to this thread is that it is fairly large.

Anyhow, after you guys get finished looking it over, I would appreciate your comments and suggestions. I find that asking actual aquarists rather than using referrence works alone presents a more accurate picture for me of what really happens in freshwater aquariums. before replying, however, I would appreciate it if you kept in mind that the spreadsheet is designed for relatively new aquarists and was not intended to handle situations like breeding or the keeping of very delicate species.

Lastly, before you ignore this idea as being hopelessly impersonnal, bear in mind that this is no ordinary spreadsheet. It has about 240 types of fish and "knows" their temperature needs, mimimum tank sizes, biomass (unlike the inch-per-gallon rule), and even suggests compatible fish. Also, the spreadsheet considers aerobic filtration, size comparisons, remaining wastes, and even individual territory/space requirements before it makes a prediction. Granted, it is not perfect and that is why I am posting here: the more suggestions, the more accurate it will become.



Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
This is pretty cool.

I have to confess that the reason I hadn't looked at your post before is that its title really gave no indication of the awesomeness of your spreadsheet. It sounded more like someone had written a care sheet and needed input. If, however, you had titled the thread something like "Cool Excel tool to help beginners NOT overstock their tanks!!! Your opinion please", I probably am not the only person who would have investigated.

Some of our members are quite scholarly, but in recent years we aren't used to seeing such work as often as in past times. So we may need to be bludgeoned over the head to notice it; sorry about that. :/

I like it. I can definitely see the applications of it. I'm impressed with all the work that's gone into it. According to it, if I were to add the fish I've been thinking about adding to my main tank, my current water change schedule and filtration would do nicely. It helped me to decide on the number of fish to add. However, I would like to see more plants listed in the plant section. I have some java ferns and a marimo ball.

Also, it would be useful if it could demonstrate not just if the tank is overcrowded spacewise, but indicate if the problem lies in a particular level of the tank -- bottom-dwellers, mid-level swimmers, top-level swimmers.