Fishtank Cycle Technique

Hello all.
I recently (3 weeks ago) bought a new 20g tank.
And now it's full established cycled tank.

I wanna share my experience, I thing It'll be interested for newbies.

Week1: So I bought a tank (PetSmart), sand (in home depot), rocks, and plants(LFS). Washed it, put sand, ricks and then plants. I also put some plant root fertilizing tablets (with iron).

At the end of this week I added biozyme.

Week2: Bought two middleage angelfish (body is dollar-coin size). Added some more plants. Checked ammonia. Am=0.5. PH=7.8. Ni=0;

During this week I was adding biozyme avery other day. Just a little bit.

Week3: Bought dwarf gourami. Am=0. PH=7.8. Ni=1.
At the end of the week I saw a spike of NI which was at 5. Fish was OK though. Yesterday (saturday) the fishtank was blooming with brown algae.

During this week I was adding biozyme avery other day. Just a little bit.

And finally today - day 21 - I checked Am and Ni. Am = 0, Ni = 0. Ph is high though (rocks I believe) = 7.8. Maybe I'll add some driftwood.

I bought 4 ottos today - they are cleaning algae now with great pleasure.

During 2nd and 3rd week fish (no fish during 1st week) were very healthy. Angelfish are always with broad fins. Active. No strange behaviour. Gourami eated 1 plant though.

Oct 22, 2002
Very interesting! However, you could of probably dropped the biozyme. Most likely did not do much for the cycle. Now before you start yelling at me, your plants consumed the ammonia/nitrites therefore bringing the levels down.

Your ph is fine at 7.8! I would not worry about adjusting it as ph swings will stress your fish, not a steady ph.

Im really glad that it worked out for you!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
London, UK
I fishless cycled using Chris Cows method adding 5ppm ammonia every day. Took about 3 months all told, but I could add a full fish load at the end in one go.
Your cycling sounds suspiciously quick to me...but great if it's worked. I hope you're not building up to an ammonia spike.

Oct 22, 2002
I have also used fishless which took me around 5 weeks. I also love the fact that you can add your full fish load.

But Scrumpy, Zepplock is using plants in his tank. Plants actually use ammonia therefore reducing the level of ammonia. This will then lower nitrite and nitrate levels also.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
London, UK
But Scrumpy, Zepplock is using plants in his tank. Plants actually use ammonia therefore reducing the level of ammonia. This will then lower nitrite and nitrate levels also.

Yes...that's true. I'm still a little dubious though, and wonder if the ammonia levels will gradually rise faster than the existing bacteria and plants can cope with and will spike.
I'm probably wrong...and I hope I am too :)

Oct 22, 2002
Scrumpy, yes and no about ammonia levels gradually rising. It will depend on how many plants vs. number of fish. If the plants can not keep up with the ammonia levels produce by the fish, ammonia levels will rise slowly. However, plants are pretty good at consuming ammonia.

I still prefer the method described by soulfish!