Fishy's Sick and dying!!


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I know it seems like everyone keeps telling you no, but we really do have your fishes' best interest in mind. The angels are VERY soon going to need something bigger than a 10gal. They get to be 6" long and 9-10" tall. I would ditch the two goldfish, put the angelfish in the 35gal and keep the molly in the 10gal. But, that's just me.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
ok, well im now in search for a larger tank. Prob around a 35g for now. Trying to find a good deal, ill need to pretty much start over since none of my equipment will work for a tank that big. Thanks for all the advice!
I recommend your local craigslist. I got a 55 gallon tank with 3x filters, a stand and 2 tops for around $90. With the economy and so many people selling thier homes or moving there are tons of tanks available.

Oh, and what fish that's $25 does your wife have her heart set on? We could tell you exactly the kind of water/tank parameters it needs to be happy.

Mar 31, 2010
Well to start, i only have 1 angle fish^^^ and its the size of a nickel right now.

I got the fish she wanted on friday, i forgot the name, but its bright red/orange and looks like its smiley all the time. I know its some kind of chiclid, maybe something to do with lion or something, im not sure. They claim its aggressive, but it loves my other fish so far.

Current fish's:

Tiny suckerfish
tiny angle fish
2 tiny goldfish
1 Tiny molly
1 Red Chiclid thing

Im searcing for a bigger tank now. Im looking in the range of maybe a 40g? Or whatever deal i might find on craigslist.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
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it is called a blood parrot cichlid. they grow to over 8 inches long and require at least 55 gallons. They are labeled as aggressive because, well, they are. they are a hybrid of 2 aggressive fishes, Midas cichlids and gold severums i think (don't quote me). Those mouths are deformed because of their screwed up parentage.

They in general are quite sickly and at least half of them don't survive much longer than a year. Being put into a 10 gallon doesn't help matters any.

At this point, I really don't know what to tell you. You seem to have your heart set on doing what you want and saying to hell with the consequences. If you really want to keep killing fish, there is nothing I can do to stop you. But mark my words, no good will ever come of putting a blood parrot in a 10-gallon.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
We keep telling you. Goldfish live in water that is COLD. Mollies live in water that is HOT. Hot and cold are two different temperatures. Another thing, it doesn't matter that the fish you have are tiny. They will get very big very fast and a 46 gallon tank is not big enough. Please, get rid of the goldfish. I also recommend you get rid of the parrot fish. If you want to keep the parrot fish, get a much bigger tank. Do not keep the parrot fish in a 10 gallon tank. If you sincerely care about your fish, buy at least a 55 gallon tank and get rid of your goldfish and parrot fish! Goldfish are poop machines and will KILL your other fish when the goldfish gets larger. They will eat any fish that fits in their mouth and goldfish have huge mouths! Also, they will make the water so dirty that they will need 5 to 10 TIMES as much filtration. This means the water will get very dirty, very fast and can harm all other fish in the tank. If I remember correctly, you have comet goldfish, so both of those will need a pond. Two comets cannot live in a small, 46 gallon tank with cichlids AND angels. Get rid of them. The cichlid will most likely harm or KILL your other fish, since it is aggressive. This forum is full of knowledgeable experts on fish keeping. They have kept fish for years or maybe even decades, and know what they are doing. If you don't listen to us, you will keep killing your fish and then replacing them. This will get very expensive and you will eventually give up on fish keeping, just because you didn't listen to the knowledgeable people at this forum.