check out for some. that's where i got mine. they did a pretty good job..but now that i have other fishes in my tank, they like the fish food better than algae. so now they're just like a regular fish for me.
Amy, what kind of fish do you have in the tank? Be careful because I bought some of them because I thought they are nice fish for a tank but they're not! Mine killed my bettas and tried my convicts, that wasn't in their favor though. So be careful they are extremely territorial and mean. If you have hair algea then you should get them but I didn't. ;D
Thanks Ryan, thats good to know. I dont have hair algea yet...but I have a live planted I figure its only a matter of time....I think I'll play it safe and wait untill I have an abundance of hair algea!
You should really get algae eaters even before you get the algae because they do prevent it before it gets out of control.
I couldn't put a few guppies or small neons because those flagfish can be nasty sometimes.
Ive got 4 sae, 2 cae, a orange spotted high fin pleco and 5 mystery snails and a clown my algea is under control at the moment....I just think the flag fish are so pretty....but I think you guys have changed my mind on getting them.