flame gourami question

Jul 21, 2009
hey there, i am relatively new to keeping exotic fish (as opposed to plain old goldies) and i have a Q about my flame gourami.

there are 2 of them, i am going to assume males, despite being told they were one of each. they are supposed to be good community fish, but they are aggressive and feisty and are attacking everything from each other to the platy fry to the snails!

what should i do with them? is it time to give one away? should i separate them.. there are no nests, so they shouldn't be territorial.. i don't get it
any help would be great :)

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
they are supposed to be peaceful fish but when you get more than 1 in a smaller tank they cant get very territorial. what size tank do you have? here is also a link for them
Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums: Flame Dwarf Gourami
check it out. i would say your going to have to separate or you will probably have 1 of them die. another way to tell sex of gourami's is their dorsal fin thats the bottom back fin that runs along their belly. if it is long and rounded its a female and if short and pointy its a male. you probably have 2 of the same sex im assuming. with the gouramis ive kept in the past i would say that i would keep 1 MAYBE 2 per 55g otherwise you could heavily plant your tank so they dont see each other and set up a lot of different hiding spots so they can claim their territory

Jul 21, 2009
thank you

they are in a 55 gallon tank, sorry about that :)

i have planted a few lillies and a bunch of mondo grass (covering about 6 inches diameter at the base) and a few plastic plants. for height and color.

by the sounds of it, they are both female. I put in a netting breeder for the babies so they are safe. I think i will have to move them about :)

thankyou for the welcome :)