I bought a few cichlids at my local fish store a couple days ago. One of them was a Flavescent Peacock. I put him in my cichlid tank and about an hour later I couldn't find him. After looking around I found him hiding towards the top of the tank behind my powerhead. I was kinda worried he was hurt or something so I put him in a 5 gallon by himself and he seems to be doing fine, very lively. I don't know much about Flavescents but are they passive or something? I was thinking he may be a young one being only about an inch long and kind of just looking like it (I'll try to get some pictures later). I bought him because I've seen pictures of full grown ones and they looked amazing. Does anyone have any experience on keeping these fish? Should I take any specail precautions in hope that he turns out like some of the pictures I've seen?