Flavescent Peacock

Jul 30, 2004
St. Louis
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I bought a few cichlids at my local fish store a couple days ago. One of them was a Flavescent Peacock. I put him in my cichlid tank and about an hour later I couldn't find him. After looking around I found him hiding towards the top of the tank behind my powerhead. I was kinda worried he was hurt or something so I put him in a 5 gallon by himself and he seems to be doing fine, very lively. I don't know much about Flavescents but are they passive or something? I was thinking he may be a young one being only about an inch long and kind of just looking like it (I'll try to get some pictures later). I bought him because I've seen pictures of full grown ones and they looked amazing. Does anyone have any experience on keeping these fish? Should I take any specail precautions in hope that he turns out like some of the pictures I've seen?


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Yeah - I've seen these guys around...Aulonocara stuartgranti..mouthbrooders curiously enough - and they have a rep for being shy, so yours is probably ok - a combination of strange surroundings, being moved, and shy by nature.

If they're anything like other Aulonocara, then the male will be the one with showy colours, the females will be recognisable as flavescents, but drab by comparison - at one inch the colour should be starting to come out

good luck with him - http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?ID=2190


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Fort Wayne, IN
What all do you have in the tank? A new fish will get bullied around and most likely hide at the top of the tank-thats not uncommon at all. But they are pretty passive fish and cant handle aggressive mbuna. Tank size and tankmates will play a big factor on how much color he will show.