Floating dust problem


New Fish
May 18, 2010
Hello to and thank you to anyone who sheds some light on this problem to help me out.. and please excuse my grammer and english and stuff not good at it. thanks

I have a 90 gallon tank with a Fluval 405. and just semi agressive fish like red, rainbow and bala sharks, barbs, angels, gouramis, loaches, and silver dollars. with a oceanic theme with coral looking stuff and live plants.

I have this particle like substance in my water that i can not get rid of and im getting fed up. the tank was new at the end of november last year. and i have tried keeping the tank super clean i do my water changes everyweek and i put in a new fluval water polishing pads every week as well. i have tried letting the go for a while as in just leaving it alone probably only for two weeks max. but still nothing. and i dont dump any chemicals in it all the time just lately started useing plants grow.

now i dont have all the water testing stuff that some of you all have but i do have a little kit but the amount of changes i do would sugest the water quality is quite good, and the fact that i haven't lost any fish for a long time.

some people think that its because my fish is in the room with my laundry room and that the dryer does that but my lid is also pretty tight on the tank very little air exposure due to a heavy glass lid and those plastic things you get with it which need to be cut out.

i think that is everything sorry about how long this is but i am hoping all the info will help someone in helping me. would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to anyone who gives me any advise.

May 19, 2010
You'd be surprised how much lint floats in the air and will get into the little gaps from your filter/heater etc. that is exposed. What I would do is when you change your filter cartridge, take the white cover that holds the charcoal from the old cartridge, cut it open, empty the charcoal, wash it thoroughly and cut it so it will cover the gaps on your lid. That way it covers the gaps and still lets air in and out.