Floaty cory fry!

I already posted this in my "update on cory fry" thread but I need more help!!!

There are atleast two cory fry that are floating around. They get stuck to the filter and make to attempt to get away. I've noticed that those particular ones have some sort of air bubble behind their heads. I've isolated two in a container to keep them away from the filter and watch them closely. Can anyone identify this? Or any suggestions on what to do?



Superstar Fish
Nov 21, 2007
Ft. Campbell, Ky
Wow Kissy...thats quite odd...the sure does look like a air bubble in there. If thats the case, my guess would be that it's causing them to rise to the top and they are not strong/heavy enough to keep themselves down...or have 100% control over their movements.

As for how it would have got there....I have no idea!!!


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
could it be a swim bladder problem? I don't know other than that... the food they eat... what is it? Is it possible that it is expanding in their stomachs/throats causing a cavity?

"Diet – Feeding low-quality food that soaks up water and expand inside the fish can cause food impactions."

First bites soaks up water I think. That's why it sinks. Should I not feed those two for a couple days? They are only fry; could that kill them? HELP!!!!!!!

I can see the bubble a lot better on the two that float than the ones that don't. I hope that's a good sign...