
Jul 9, 2003
if you have a 4' or larger tank you can get good lighting for cheap though. most hardware stores have 48" dual bulb flourecent fixtures for around 7$, they are the kind you would see hanging from the roof. then just dissassemble them and mount the fixture and ballasts too your hood and buy some 6500k range bulbs from the hardware store, i got 2 for 9$. i mounted 2 of those fixtures in my hood equalling 4 bulbs. so i got

2x fixtures = 14$
2x bulb packs = 16$

each bulb is 40watts so i got a 160watt flourecent light setup for....30$ :D


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
My 55 currently has the same setup, notice how maintenance isn't the easiest thing in the world?

I'm looking at upgrading to MH for my 55. Using 3 of the newer 70w HQI's They'll fit nicely into a 6"x48" light fixture which will be mostly reflectors and ballast/cooling fans.

More expensive - yes, but easier maintenance (good when you have to do water changes twice a day)