flourite bad for cories?


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2005
San Francisco, CA
I woke up this morning (afternoon actually) to find one of my peppered cories near the surface gasping for air. on closer inspection all its barbels are gone and the whole area around the mouth is red. I suspect its the flourite. its very sharp and cories prefer something small and rounded like sand.

but I also noticed while my cory was on the surface my group of tiger barbs would swim by and poke at it. is it possible they couldve attacked my cory and chomped off all its barbels? or are they just sensing death is nearby and figuring its an easy meal?

should I not have any cories at all with flourite? is there any bottom dwelling fish that arent so sensitive to a rocky substrate? loaches maybe?


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2005
I wouldn't keep any fish that root around in the gravel if it's sharp,that includes Loaches and really any bottom dwellers.That is my opinion though,others may suggest something for you.
Your Cories barbels missing may be water/tank conditions aswell but it's more likely that it's the sharp substrate.
Barbs are more likely to nip fins but it is possible that they attacked your Corie just for the hell of it.