The emps aren't as loud as the penguins when it comes to biowheels.
I actually prefer the older Penguins to the redesign. Now the wheels turn far too quickly and it causes a ridiculous amount of surface agitation. I have an old 125 that's virtually silent and causes little current.
For the record - if biowheel filters aren't good for plants, than I dont even want to begin to imagine the jungle I would have in my tank if I wasn't running one. Don't allow the planted tank thing to factor in to your choice. I'm sure people will argue with me about this, but I insist that plants get all the CO2 they need with or without surface ag.
Now as for these two filters vs. each other, here is my take:
The Fluval will give you a lot of room to use different media additives if you so desire. I have a 104 and there's enough room in it for me to have my peat filtration and Phos-Zorb as well as extra bio-rings. If I wanted to use carbon, I could have that too. I just don't use carbon so I double up on the bio stuff.
Maintaining the Fluval will be a little bit of work, as you'll be having to disconnect it and onhook it whenever its cleaning time. Then you have to carry it to the sink, etc. Then you have to prime it up whenever it's time to restart. It doesn't bother me really, but I am sure some people would find that annoying.
The Emperor on the other hand, will be a breeze to maintain. All you really do is rinse out/change cartridges every now and then. The Emps also come with a custom media basket in case you do want to add extra media like peat, -Zorbs, crushed coral, etc. Thing is, you only get one. To add more you'd have to be creative. And if you chose not to use carbon, you would have to modify the cartridges.
The biowheel does a great job with the biofiltration. The filter is also pretty quiet and efficient.
So all in all, it's just a matter of choice. Both will serve you well. I would say that the short way of how to choose would be on whether you need to do a lot of custom water treatments. Keep in mind that for a planted tank, carbon is often omitted.
Just for an example of what I mean - I bought a 55g and a 40g last week. The 55 will be an Amazon blackwater and it has a Rena XP2 The 40 gallon will be a Malawi tank and it has an Emp 400.