I strongly favour the true Siamese Algae eaters having temporarily tried flying fox and false siamese algae eaters.
My true SAEs were very hard to find and correctly identify because there are several similar fish in the group, but the real things are very beautiful.
They are slender fish and have dazzling silvery undersides, completely clear colourless fins and a zig zag edges black stripe down their sides to the fork of their tail. Their bodies are almost translucent. The taupe scales of their back have black edges so they look like a fine black mesh is stretched over them...and they have a single pair of forward pointing black barbels.
They're loevly, and very active. My otos hide, and don't even eat much of the brown diatoms, the clown plec makesso much poo he's no help...but the SAEs are contantly flitting about nibbling.
They were tiny when I first got them, and still less than an inch long, but they ate all the staghorn algae on the edges of my anubias in a day, and are clearing up a massive black hair algae problem.
I love them to bits and can't recommend them highly enough
You MUST get the right ones though. Every shop in my area was selling either flying foxes or false SAEs as true SAEs so I bet there are a lot of people out there thinking they're not much good because they've in fact got the wrong fish.