Food fight!

Today is the first time i've fed my fish, and it seems like I have some problems. My 2 male dwarf gouramies notice the food right away, and started eating like there was no tomorrow. However, my two pink kissers stayed at the bottom left corner of my tank, and didn't eat unless a bit of the flakes got swept down by the current. Also, after a few minutes one of the dwarfs gets chased and nipped by the other one if he sees him trying to eat. Help!

I also have another thread:



Superstar Fish
Feb 27, 2004
Dallas, TX
Visit site
Ok, there are several problems as I see it here. First of all, gouramis are territorial, especially males. They are labyrinth fish, in the same family as bettas. If you put two male bettas together, it would get real ugly, real fast. Gouramis are a lot slower, but the same thing is likely to happen. A 10 gallon tank is not big enough to allow them each to establish their own territory. That is why you see the dominance aggression with one of them getting chased and nipped.

Also, as a rule, gouramis seem to take a while to become adjusted to their surroundings.

That being said, those kissers are WAY too big for that tank. I know you don't want to hear that right now, but it's the truth. I have absolutely nothing to gain by misleading you. What I do have is about 30 years' experience keeping fish, so I have some idea of what I am talking about.


Superstar Fish
Give them some time.

It *is* possible to keep several dwarfs in a 10g tank. BUT it depends *heavily* upon the attitudes of the fish you get. Labrynth fish seem particularly capable of having "personalities." Some are nice, some are mean.

Keep your eye on them. If the fighting persists or worsens, you will want to separate them somehow. Even if its just a divider in the middle of the tank (assuming the kissing gouramis are gone, of course.

That said, I've got 3 dwarf gouramis in a 10g. They keep to themselves for the most part. Occasional chasing by the dominant one - but nothing damaging. They do/will develop their own territories, provided that you didn't get meanies.

Since they are new (I assume, since you've never fed them before this? :confused:) they may still be working out their hierarchy. Watch the feedings closely.