For my Oscars' sake.....


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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here you go...

hope your oscar gets better if it does have it. i think they tell you how to treat it. i think it also mentions something about hole in the head disease being caused by live food like guppys or feeder fish.

BTW: i finished setting up my tank for the oscar and im going shopping tommorrow. i hope i can find an albino tiger. i borrowed my friends digital cam and i hope it works.(he said its been acting "funny") if it does work ill post some pics.


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2003
western canada

Oscar huh?
what kind? How big?
what size is the tank? Filter Type?
Last water change? Filter change?
Last water test?
Change in behaviors? Appetite?

Hole in Head is serious. Some bacterial antibotics can stop or slow the progress, but usually by the time owner sees it and reacts, its often too late. I always try regardless.
Watch for behavioral change, feces coloration, responsiveness.
Check water chemistry. Fix if necessary. Start a salt solution if you have never used salt. 1-2 tablespoons per 20 gallons to start and can be increased later.
What makes you think its HIH?


No, I don't think I have HITH. One of my Tiger Oscars has a little pit directly above and between his eyes like the size of this mark ['] between the brackets, maybe a little smaller. I just noticed it one day but it hasn't progressed any, its just there. I think its just a mark. He's about 4 1/2 in long and he still has his appetite. He acts like an oscar and nothing has changed. I changed my water a couple days ago and I try to keep it clean as much as I can. And I haven't tested the water yet. He has an albino mate and they are very close. He/she has no such pit. They live in a 29 gal. tank with 7 small goldfish, a pleco, a betta, and a crab. I was just curious as to how HITH works cause I know how oscars are prone.