So I've enjoyed my killi pair very much, but now is the time I would like to look into getting them off my hands to make room for something new. This is a proven pair of aphyosemion striatum killifish. The male looks like my profile avatar to the left, the female is the same shape, but silver. Very attractive fish. However, the male is kind of rough and would not be a good community fish. He also beats up on the female, so the female has to be periodically given a break from him in another tank, or as I have done, just splitting their 10g in half. They have spawned and given me viable fry. I'm kind of nervous about shipping as I've never shipped before, but I do have the materials. If interested, please PM me. I would like to find them a good home, you would be responsible for shipping costs.
If interested, I can also include the spawning mops for this pair.
If interested, I can also include the spawning mops for this pair.
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