Forget the 10


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
north carolina asheville area
I have decided based on dementions and goalos i will be going from a 12 to 20long. i currently have a spare 10 i will use as a sump/refug. my question is what else could i keep fish wise, i thought a nother fire fish to go along with the false perc and red fire fish i have now. maby a sand burrower of sorts or a really neat fish like an angel or something. any ideas?

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
I think an angel wouldn't be such a great idea, even the Pygmy Cherub won't do well in anything less than 30g. You could do a small fairy wrasse or a six line. Wrasses are always active fish, and very colorful. Another firefish would be a good idea, since your other one is kinda shy. IMO 4 fish is a maximum, but I don't like to see overstocked tanks (i.e., 5 could work).


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
north carolina asheville area
dangit, deal fel through now im back to 10, think i can add 1 more fire fish? i amm going to have a little more room in this, being as my 12 was only 6 gallons stocked with rock/sand, 8 in the 10.and what will eat algae, like all around cleaner that i can add?and what about the tan "dust" that settles. my turbo snails dont get the tall hair algae. preferably something that wont knock over rocks