These are different from the large clutches my plecos lay. much smaller, not orange, and are clear in color. they are stuck to the glass of the tank, one egg per spot, not a clutch. I can't remove the eggs off the glass w/o damaging them, but i also found two eggs on my IAL which i ripped off and put in a brine shrimp net to see if they hatch.
I have bristlenose plecos in my tank, one angelfish, one platy, 3 neons and 1 cardinal tetra, and 6 pygmy cories.
The suspects at this point are the pygmys or the neons. then again these could be just clear baby ramshorn snails that i have a lot of in the tank. they are super tiny. here is a pic:
I have bristlenose plecos in my tank, one angelfish, one platy, 3 neons and 1 cardinal tetra, and 6 pygmy cories.
The suspects at this point are the pygmys or the neons. then again these could be just clear baby ramshorn snails that i have a lot of in the tank. they are super tiny. here is a pic:
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