Found eggs in my tank


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
These are different from the large clutches my plecos lay. much smaller, not orange, and are clear in color. they are stuck to the glass of the tank, one egg per spot, not a clutch. I can't remove the eggs off the glass w/o damaging them, but i also found two eggs on my IAL which i ripped off and put in a brine shrimp net to see if they hatch.
I have bristlenose plecos in my tank, one angelfish, one platy, 3 neons and 1 cardinal tetra, and 6 pygmy cories.
The suspects at this point are the pygmys or the neons. then again these could be just clear baby ramshorn snails that i have a lot of in the tank. they are super tiny. here is a pic:


Feb 27, 2009
I would suspect the cories too, based on your description. Neons' eggs are scattered as they flutter among the plants/rocks/substrate, and sink. They are slightly sticky, but not enough to stick to glass. I think the lone angel would still guard unfertilized eggs if she laid them.

Congrats and keep us posted!


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yep i'll keep you guys posted. so far all the eggs in the tank that were attached to the glass have hatched. the fry are too small to be seen. i don't see any. the two eggs in the net have not hatched.

Feb 27, 2009
Are you sure they hatched and were not consumed? It takes a few days before they consume the yolk are free swimming, so they may be on the gravel somewhere hiding.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
They're either hiding under leaves or may have been taken out while they were still eggs by my BN plecos who clean the glass. still - 1 hour i checked and the eggs were stuck to the glass and then two hours later all those eggs looked empty, so i think they may have hatched.
Still nothing with the eggs in the net. i hope they were fertilized.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yes i think these are cory eggs from my pygmys. funny thing is i just decided to sell my group of 6 off and here they decided to breed right before they're gone. (I still have them).
the two rescued eggs havent done much but are now slightly darker in color and have black dots inside. i think those may be eyes and maybe they will hatch soon.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
one hatched! very tiny fish. definitely cory with the big spiky pectorals large black dot for a body and long thin tail. so small i cannot even take a good picture of it because largely it's transparent. gave him some food. frozen baby brine a crushed flake but i think that's still too big for him...maybe he can bite pieces off of the particle size i gave.

I was able to take a couple of pics of the fry. looks like my cheapo camera still has a few tricks up its sleeve eh?
RSCN4591.jpg RSCN4598.jpg
I couldn't tell just by looking at it but it seems that it still has a yolk sac so maybe it won't eat for a while...

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
there were two eggs in the net and those are the two that hatched, so i have two fry in the net now. to my knowledge the rest were eaten or are hiding in my tank. i don't have much hope for those but the ones in the net I'm feeding and taking care of so they should have a better chance of growing up. Looks like the pygmy cories are going to be sold next week to someone on AB. They were really fun fish! but they are both in danger and pose a danger to my angelfish. my angel tried to eat a cory about 2 months ago and almost died due to the cory being stuck in it's mouth for a week. i managed to get the cory out after it decayed enough and the angel is fine now. but i don't want to take anymore chances with small fish and my angel anymore. only decent sized plecos from here on out so that the angel won't eat them.

when i bred my BN plecs my angel tried to eat some of the wrigglers but spit them immediately out mostly unharmed. probably because she found them too spiny. it's good to know that she won't eat pleco fry.
The cory fry will be separated from the angel via the net until they are big enough. idk what to do with them after that though but we will deal with them when we get to that point. i just want to successfully raise them for now.

Feb 27, 2009
Make sure that there is something the fry can rest on that is not directly on the net (like the leaves you have). Otherwise, the fish in the tank can eat them through the net when they rest (small pieces at a time eww).


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yea i though of that too. it would suck if they got hurt like that. I did leave a left piece in there to line the bottom of the net for them and act as their food dish, but they tend to go under it lol. I wish they'd get bigger soon so that i can feed them frozen baby brine.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
The one remaining pygmy cory fry is still going strong! look a bit more like a cory now. these grow relatively fast! he is still spotted like in the above photos bit is just starting to show that mid-line lateral stripe that adults have running horizontally down their lateral line.