Found out the issue but it was to late for 1 fish


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
My odd acting paradise fish died today and i found out what was the final killer, it was ick, the only issue was he begun hiding about 2 days ago and when he came out i didnt notice ANY spots on his body but today when i looked in the tank, he was COVERED and dead. He was bullied a bit when my brought home my second and it shredded his back fin a tiny bit but when i brought home my 3rd male, the bullying stopped. The stress must have caused the ick. Now i noticed on my other male paradise fish he has 2 or 3 spots so i have to kill it now while i can, i have some Aquarium salt i can use as i read that helps cure it. The temperature of the tank is already high around 82-84 most of the time. How much do i need to does my 10 gallon tank to kill the ick? I didn't ask you guys for help cause i didnt have a test kit and i figured he would get better after a few days of not being bullied.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
From all the research I have done, salt isn't necessary to get rid of icn. As Kerry said it is temp, water changes and frequent vacuuming. What else do you have in the tank?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Fishman have you read up on Paradise fish? From what I am reading you need 10g for each fish and then it has to be a heavily planted tank. Did you try to put 3 males in a 10 gallon tank? Everyone says they are pretty aggressive fish if they don't have a lot of room, plants and driftwood.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I have 3 platys in with them and they are showing no symptoms as of yet, And Thyra, if you read my first post back, mine arent the common species, mine are Spiketails. P. Dayi. And if you read up on them it says its okay to keep males in a tank together.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
That is not the species i have, my species is this one, now i know this says a minimum of 15 gallons, but it does say males can be kept together, i maybe shouldnt have gotten a second and third male:
Spiketail Paradise Fish - Tropical Fish Forums

This is also a thread on another forum by someone else who recommends a pair for a 10 gallon tank and says they are really peaceful:
Spiketail Paradise.. - Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community

Now i did a gravel vacume yesterday which constituted a 50% water change. I then dosed 1 treatment of Aquarium salt. Today, i did another gravel vacume, which constituted another 50% water change and ive treated another dose of Aquarium salt. Should i wait 2 or 3 days before i do that again? I dont want to over change my tank to much.

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Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
There isn't that much difference between those species except the one you have is supposedly a little smaller, and even if two can be kept together successfully it doesn't always work and they need a lot more room than you have - You also say you have 3 platys in there. Also if its heavily planted that takes up some of the room and all those species say to have a heavily planted tank. I would be concerned about the salt - I don't think you have any way to measure salinity and salt doesn't evaporate so you may well stress your fish to death as Kerry states - salt is not necessary ot cure ich.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Okay and i got a question, how does doing water changes and gravel vacumes get the parasite off Enrique? (My male paradise fish that has nothing physically wrong with him). And i have a theory, was my other male paradise fish so violent to the one that die because he has 1 bad eye that he cant see out of? Does he feel like if he doesnt get the upper hand he will be at a disadvantage?

Feb 27, 2009
The higher temperatures actually speed up the life cycle of the ich parasite, causing them to exit the fish quicker than lower temperatures (less time inside the fish = less damage they can do inside the fish). At temperatures at or above 85 degrees, they cannot reproduce and reinfect the fish.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I doubt that one fish can tell that another fish has a bad eye. Your tank is too small for more than one male because no matter the species, they are territorial and that is why it says "at least 10 gallons per fish with lots of plants, etc.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
You misunderstood me Thyra, i meant the fish that is blind in one eye is the one doing the bullying. I figured he felt handicapped because he was blind in one eye. Yes, i now realize i shouldnt have gotten 3, luckly the current 2 are getting along really well. The Ick has begun coming out of Enrique and has begun falling off, i did another gravel vacume and water change today. It looks like its getting better. Thanks for the help and patience guys :)