My odd acting paradise fish died today and i found out what was the final killer, it was ick, the only issue was he begun hiding about 2 days ago and when he came out i didnt notice ANY spots on his body but today when i looked in the tank, he was COVERED and dead. He was bullied a bit when my brought home my second and it shredded his back fin a tiny bit but when i brought home my 3rd male, the bullying stopped. The stress must have caused the ick. Now i noticed on my other male paradise fish he has 2 or 3 spots so i have to kill it now while i can, i have some Aquarium salt i can use as i read that helps cure it. The temperature of the tank is already high around 82-84 most of the time. How much do i need to does my 10 gallon tank to kill the ick? I didn't ask you guys for help cause i didnt have a test kit and i figured he would get better after a few days of not being bullied.