"fragged" my frogspawn, not sure if outcome was good or bad


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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I have a pinkish frogspawn that had 8-10 heads, with the one lowest head that got shaded over whenever the top ones expanded. I decided to "frag" this guy so that he could get his share of light, and maybe in time, grow into a decent specimen.
Here's what I used: one of those crab crackers. I don't know the technical name for this utensil, but its what you use to split crab claws to get to the meat. This was a bad idea. The branch with this lonely head vertically splintered into four pieces, so now I have four little slivers of one E. divisa head. Each new "quarter head" still has a good amount of "meat" on it, and as I look at the tank, these new frags' polyps are expanding!
So far all looks good. I guess I should have used something like a hacksaw to make the cuts. I really need to get Calfo's coral propagation book.
I guess this was just a story that I felt like telling. Hmm.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i had a buddy last year whose frogspawn did the same thing you describe when he tried to frag it. 2 of the 3 pieces which splintered survived; as long as you keep water quality up i would think you will be alright