Freakin Loud Sponge Filter!


Medium Fish
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, Canada
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I just got a sponge filter for my 10g breeding/hospital tank, but the tube that sticks half out/half in the water that lets out the air makes a really noisy bubbling noise as the air is released. Are sponge filters supposed to be this loud or can I set it up differently?

I'm used to the peace and quiet of an aquaclear...arg im in res so I do everything in one room.


Medium Fish
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, Canada
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It's an Elite 800 air pump and the sponge filter is a hagen bioform.

The instructions for the sponge filter say to have the "water-flow" tube slightly above water level to allow optimum filtration and to increase oxygen. This is making all the bubbles at the surface and accordingly the noise. If i submerse the tube, it seems to make less noise as it it muffled by the water.

Can i submerse the tube or does it have to be half in half out