Free Fishies in Central Massachusetts

Jul 6, 2004
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Hi all,

I used to be a very caring, loving owner of my 55g semi-planted aquarium, but now I'm in college 750 miles away, and I'm only home a few weeks a year, and my parents are tired of taking care of my fish. Can't really blame them. Anyway, I'm hoping to send them off to a good home, so this is my first shot.

I haven't had a chance to take a thorough look at my tank yet, so I don't know exactly how many fish I have, but I would approximate: about 5 silver tip tetras, 4 tiger barbs, 2 cherry barbs (1 male, 1 or possibly 2 females), 4 yo-yo loaches, and a beautiful lovely female blue gourami. All full grown, I'd guess (maybe not the loaches).

Soooo... if any of you all are interested, or have any advice for someone in my situation, reply here or shoot me an email:
