Free Oscars!! Read on!


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
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Well, here Goes.

I have 2 Oscars.
One 9'', I believe Male, of a rare strain. He has an almost albino body, But he has Grey Fins and His eyes are 1/2 White and 1/2 Yellow. He is Very Intellegent, playful, and with some gentle coaxing will both eat from your hand and let you pet him. The single most Enjoyable Fish I have EVER had.
Here is the Hellion
a 10'' Male OR Female (cannot tell), who is 1/2 red, 1/2 tiger oscar. this oscar Changes colors when angry. When (presuambly) He does not get his own way he turns Tiger colored, but most times stays Red colored. He has also of late developed a Penchant for Jumping out of the tank. He is greedier at feeding time, and he will not eat from your hand. he will let you pet him easier than the Molaccan (the strain of rare oscar). he is faster

Here is the Deal, Anyone with a 55 gallon tank may have the 2nd oscar completely free. No cost to you. As long as the oscar is not going to be with meaner or bigger fish, or any other oscars. you must have a tightly fitting top, weighted down to prevent jumping. He will jump out if you don't. and he will only jump out very late at night or very early in the morning. You must have Adequate filtration and know how to properly feed and upkeep an oscar or other large fish.

If you have a 75 or larger, I will throw in my molaccan (once appraised at over $2k) Oscar for $40. They have always been together since the Molaccan Was 4 months old. This is what i paid for both and they were only 7'' and 4'' at the time (the 1/2 and 1/2 was the smaller one!). I prefir to keep them together and Will not Ship at any cost. they must be picked up in southern Rhode Island. If no one from this site offers to take my Boys after 2 weeks, then they will be sold to my Normal customer (a LFS) for fish that i have bred or have to unload for the offered price.

I Just cannot watch as my boy keeps trying to jump out of my tank anymore. it has to be something about being in a 55 with another oscar. Maybe a 75 will change his disposition, otherwise, he has to be solitary. Eirhter way, I cannotkeep my Boys. it breaks my Heart to see them go, and it will be a tough parting, But I will live knowing my boy(s) are OK.

Email me, AIM Doomhed. If i think you are able to supply a good home, I will give you my phone ## and we will work something out.

Thank You!


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
Ok, wayne, I have seen oscars living together, unpaired in smaller tanks, at even larger sizes. this tank is running an extremely large amount of filtration and they get very frequent water changings and feedings. They are very amenable to each other and Since i am unsure of the sex of the "jumpy" oscar, they might pair up in another yr or so when they are old enough (they are just over 18 and 24 months).

And, if I get rid of the one jumpy fish, i will probably be keeping the other oscar, or selling/trading him to get either some smaller oscars or some larger convicts. I would prefir to keep this team together, as they seem to like each other and are always hanging out together. they even did some "mouth locking" and "nest keeping" displays before they broke their heater.