Freebie, Leftover questions

The other day I got a lot of free goodies from a good friend*SUNSMILE*. A large tank (48"L x 13"W x 18 3/4"H), a wooden stand, an Eheim 2213, a Regent AquaTech (Magnum?) 200 canister, 2 Powerhead 201s, a Regent AquaTech 3PH powerhead, a Penguin 550 powerhead, a President 12" 150W heater, a fasTest saltwater master test kit, and a few other goodies. I'd like to know more about the Regent AquaTech products but I can't find a site. It looks like every thing is there. I just wanna know about the Regent canister especially. I don't know what media I'm suppose to get for it, how to put it in there, how to work it or anything:confused:. Could you give me some web sites or specific info or something?

And what brands are those 201s? I think they're Hagens'. And how many gallons is my soon to be dwarf cichlid tank? Can I still use the test kit even though it has a 1992 date on it and I have freshwater? I think thats it for now. Thank you all:D.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
the regent is a magnum treat it as such and fill with any media that is large enough to not pass through the media basket.201's are hagen powerheads.if the test kit is from 1992 don't use it odds are its too old to give accurate results and could end up in disaster if you trust the tests.regent aquatech is a low grade version of the penguin/magnum line.regent is sold in wal-mart and most all parts are interchangeable between the two lines.i buy new filters at wal-mart because it's cheaper than the penguin line at the petsmart.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I always like the eheim filer substrates tho' they're a bit pricey. Tank size = multiply all dimensions in inches together to get cubic inches, divide by 241. The test will likely be too old. Good size for a dwarf tank

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
Hey Antwan, your tank is a 55g, like MY dwarf cichlid tank ;)

And wouldn't you know it, I use an Eheim 2213 :eek:

The 2213 has a little basket you drop into the green canister that consists of different media types, from the tube stuff in the bottom on up to the charcoal pad at the top. You can buy all the parts for it at . I would just buy the same media that comes with it brand new.

Now all you have to do is order some cacs for it from dave and you'll have a tank that's exactly as cool as mine :D