FreeFloat the Diver checking in

Hi all, I'm brand new to this board. Didn't know it existed until yesterday when Somonas, my dive buddy, pointed me in the right direction. I've already learned several things that I should be able to apply to my 10 gal community tank.

Current inhabitants include:

Sucky III the plecostomus
Uno and Dos, neon tetras
Blackie, gray/black tetra
Rose, pink tetra
Stripe, a tetra with a black stripe down his side
two unnamed penguin tetras
Fantail - yellow male guppy

as well as a "sunken airplane", a "sunken boat", a handful of plastic plants and a plastic diver that bobs up and down with the filter's currents :D

Originally posted by theeyrietrainer
VVelcome, shouldn't you have more species of each tetra?! there schoolers (im sure you know that) and they need more of each other! and wouldnt Sucky III be too large for the tank?

hope you like the tank!
I did at one time, these are just the hardiest survivors. I'm also looking at building the stock back up. It's a long story and involves a well-meaning ex-spouse and a catastrophic water change/tank cleaning......... :eek:

As for Sucky, yes, he's as big as one of Somonas's (in his 180 gal tank) - but I can't stop him growing.