Mine much prefer the frozen brine or blood worms over freeze dried. My angels and parrots can eat a whole little gumdrop each. Frozen is so much easier to use now than is was 20 years ago when you could only buy this "brick". Go with frozen.
i have been buying the package that comes in a sheet of 1 in square cubes, i just drop one in and they devour it,, i havent given mine any bloodworms yet,,
Exactly... they are easy to keep and the fish love em. Try the blood worms just for a variety. Between the brine and the worms, your fish should grow pretty fast and will have wonderful colors.
i only give mine the brine shrimp 1 time a week, i give them spirulina flakes and have been keeping some sort of veggie on the bottom, should i mix some blood werms in there somewhere ?
i have about 9 assorted african cichlids
I will feed both in the same week...about 3 or 4 days apart. I don't have any Africans or know anything about them. All I know is mine love both and make a real racket and mess when I drop in the frozen cube...it becomes a real feeding frenzy. *celebrate
SoulFish...whats wrong with Africans and bloodworms...just curious.
Try thawing the cubes out in a little tank water before you drop them in. Pour out most of the tank water in the cup into the sink before introducing the brine shrimp into the tank.
what is the advantages of doing it that way?
as it is now the cube i put in there last maybe 30 seconds, and thats going from the frozen state,if it was allready thawed it wouldnt last 10 seconds
I do it this way because it distributes the brine shrimp throughout the tank and all the fish get an equal try at getting some of the shrimp. Also I mix plankton and brine shrimp togather so thawing is just easier for me.