Fresh meat

Jul 22, 2008
My name is Kat. I stumbled across this site today, and it has stuck wonderful ideas into mine head.

I currently own 3 tanks.

55g... home to
Nelson my mutt turtle.
Grouch the tiger oscar.
Paco the ginormous pleco.
Jose mini pleco.

Fake plants. Real Rocks. Don't know what I'm doing, pretty much. I'm actually using a friends tank, because I've been cleaning out a 55g I got from my mom. Also, using her decor and rock and I'm so jealous cause now I have to fork out lots of moolah. But it will be worth it.

20g... home to
Michael Angelo my marble angelfish
Stella my female betta
Jesus yet another mini pleco.

This was the tank that housed lil nelson, lil michael angelo, and lil paco. But now they're all grown up *sniff* Michale Angelo still resides here. Again with the using of the friends super excellent fish decor, meaning more money to spend when I move out. Great.

5g... home to
Trill II the ever-depressed-looking-i-think-i'm-doing-something-wrong male betta.

He eats. Warm tank. Plenty of space. *Tried* to give him a roomate. Feed him flakes and bloodworms. Droopy fins. :( They're all like... I'm a droopy fin and I make Trill II look depressed.

Yeah. I pretty much wing it with my fish. I live with a fish expert. But I'm moving out soon. So I figured I may want to broaden my fishie knowledge.