freshwater clam


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
well i found a freshwater clam/muscle in the mississippi river last year around this time and decided to put it in my tank. i's gone from my 55 to my 20 to my 30 gallon tanks. well tonight i noticed it was open more then normal and took an arrow and tapped it and it didn't close. it was dead. not sure what happened but it lived for about a year in my tanks. i fed it powdered flake food all this time. has anyone ever had one that survived for longer? if i come across more i'd like to keep one or 2 again. i do have to say though my sunfish loved the fresh meaty meal. got to love having a fish that acts like a garbage disposal lol.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
not sure. i put the food in a mortar and pestle and crushed it up into a super fine powder. it's what i feed my new born fry. but i would put a pinch in my fingers and keep my fingers pinched and put them right next to the opening of it's "mouth" and slowly release it for him. i'd watch it get sucked in and he wouldn't shut so i know it wasn't bothering it. also i use new life spectrum flake food which has plant as well as animal ingredients. i figured it would be enough for him. i may very well have been wrong on that. i might have to try to do more resrearch on them. they may not be the most interesting thing to put in a tank but i still liked having it in there.

Feb 18, 2013
I don't have any in any of my tanks now, but I use to keep a few around, they are omnivores so just about anything will please them. Think of them as snails, they need lots of calcium for their shells, any good invertebrate cake will provide them with what they need, however they are filter feeders, any food particles in the water, or otherwise will be collected by them.

I recently swapped my tanks to sand, with plans of adding a few clams to my tank.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
i figured the powdered flake food would be enough. maybe it didn't get enough food or it died of old age cause it's about as large as some of the largest shells i've ever found along the banks of the river. and i add liquid calcium to my tanks that have inverts. it's left over from when i had my saltwater tank.