Freshwater clams


Large Fish
Jun 14, 2003
Orlando, Florida
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I have a 29 gallon tank set up with one rainbow, 3 guppies, and 1 bloodfin tetra. I was wondering if a freshwater clam would do alright and also if it is safe to order through the mail. I haven't seen them at any of my LFS, but I get a cataloge. (Doctors Foster and Smith) They have clams and I thought it would be really neat to have one in my aquarium. Also, any suggestions on what else to add to that aquarium. I was thinking of adding 6 neon tetras, but not really sure of what else. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
I've heard there not good and I just read this: "The larvae of mussels or clams also live off the gills of fish" but I don't know if it's anything to worry about or not, everyone who says there a problem doesn't have any and never has LOL, just hearsay so far, I might get some and see how they do for me as I want to breed bitterlings and they incubate there fry in the clams, so they can't breed without them. (can't hurt fish too bad if these guys can't live without them, literally)


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Mr Parker (who is not a missionary in South Korea) sent me 6 FW clams over a year ago. They lasted a long time in my tanks, and they even made it through the 3,000 mile move to the west coast. THen about 3 months after we settled in out west, they started getting eaten by my fish. THe yoyo loaches somehow started to take a liking to them, and within a couple of weeks from the first fatality, all 6 were dead. But they fish scarfed them down, and I lef them in the tank for fish food, which they thoroughly enjoyed. I still have the empty shells in there for a bit of fishy flair. I would not hesitate to get them again. They were very interesting, and I wonder if they didn't succumb to the stress of the move.

I did not feed mine anything special; they just filtered out of the water.