Freshwater Clams?


Small Fish
Aug 27, 2007
Has anyone ever kept freshwater clams? I want to know if it molts or not, and if anyone thinks that an oscar would eat if even if they aren't molting? I want to keep an interesting invert with my oscar, but most of them will get eaten.

On a side note, does anyone know how fast ghost shrimp will spawn? I want to put a bunch of shrimp in my brothers ten gallon so I can give my oscar a few live shrimp treats ever once in a while.



Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
well clams don't molt. they grow like a snail. as for the oscar eating it I would have to say it depends on the size of the clam. say if u wanted to use zebra mussels (wich are illegal to have in ur possesson) they would get eaten and would grow into ur filter and clog it up. so besides the illegal aspect of it they would still be a bad idea. and alot of the freshwater mussels in the us are accually endangered and look alot alike. so be carefull which whatever u decide to use. and as for the ghost shrimp I caouldn't tell u and wish I could.

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
i have yet to enjoy ghost shrimp they are good food for my loaches. If looking for live food perhaps you could go the worm route, i have 2.5 gallon up and running with two snails and lots of blackworms. It has only been up for about a week and a half, but i have seen more than what i purchased in the population. Plus where i am ghost shrimp are about 30 cents a peice, but i can buy a tablespoon full of black worms for 1.30 at LFS. Hope you figure out what food to feed, my fish all went picky will only eat blackworms and shrimp pellets now.


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
i tried native FW clams before and didn't succeeed. i belive that i couldnt keep the tank "diry" enough to support a filter feeder. Tried native FW mussles too. also didn't work otu for me. the clams and mussles lives a week or so before they passed.