Freshwater fanatic here!

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Greetings to everyone,

What can I say?
Thank you to lordroad for referring me to this forum.

I've been obsessed with keeping freshwater aquaria for years now, and so I'm confident that participating on the forum here will provide me with a good outlet for this...
After all, there's really only so much aquarium discussion type stuff that my wife will tolerate at any given time, so I'm hoping you folks will be a little more forgiving. Lol. :p

I've kept up to 20 gallon tanks in the past, but I'm really looking forward to the day when I can get a 55 gallon setup going.
Unfortunately my landlords don't allow anything bigger than 10 gallons. :(

Still, I've got a 12 gallon and a 3 gallon (both Eclipse systems) right now...both freshwater.

The 12 is a community tank (albeit a small one), and the 3 gal. is dedicated to my blue crayfish (which I got about a week ago). I plan on taking his picture and putting it in my avatar, so keep your eyes open for that!

Anyway, thanks for having me on the forum. I'm sure I'll stand to learn a lot from participating here!

Thanks again. :)
Big Vine

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Wow guys...thanks for the warm welcome!

I'm just now at the point where I'm ready to begin browsing through the forum---seems so overwhelming right now that I almost don't know where to begin...Lol!

Once I've had a chance to check things out I'll start posting, and I'm sure I'll turn into a "regular" here.

PlecoCollector said:
Is that your crayfish in your avatar? If so, it's beautiful!! :D
Yes it is, and thank you for the compliment! I got him about a week ago, and he seems to be doing well. I'm still waiting for his tank (only 3 gal.) to fully cycle before adding anything else with him.

My plan is to gradually transfer my 5 cherry barbs from my 12 gal. tank into his tank---if he eats them, so be it. Sounds cruel, but he's gotta eat too! And yes...he gets fed a steady diet of shrimp pellets...but wouldn't a live specimen 'feeding frenzy' be oh so much more fun?!? :eek:

Then I'll have room in the 12 gal. for something else...which is something that I'll need advice on. I have such a hard time deciding what to put in there.

Anyhow...I'm already starting to babble save my questions for another section of the forum. :rolleyes:

I'm sure I'll upload pics of my tanks too once I get more acquainted with the forum.

Thanks again.
Big Vine


Medium Fish
Oct 26, 2005
lordroad said:
Hey Big Vine, welcome aboard.

Nice avatar!

My wife too gets tired of my fish obsession. She actually is jealous of this forum too cause I spend a fair amount of time here... so fair warning! lol
Yep mine to , something you all could have warned me about.:rolleyes:

welcome aboard Vine


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
lordroad said:
Hey Big Vine, welcome aboard.
My wife too gets tired of my fish obsession. She actually is jealous of this forum too cause I spend a fair amount of time here... so fair warning! lol
Lol.....I have the same problem..........except I'm a girl, so it's my boyfriend that is jealous or just makes fun of me and calls me a fish nerd.

Welcome!!! :)

Sep 8, 2005
Welcome to the tank! My husband loves my fish obsession. He gets to lay around like a wet mop while i am busy online or with my tanks verses my honey do lists.