About 10 months ago me and my g/f are walking around Lowes when we spot this:
We bought it on impulse despite the fact that neither of us has ever owned anything more than a beta bowl in our lives. After spending the entire weekend setting it up and decorating it we decided to stock it. It's a ~90 gallon pond and we keep it outdoors on the patio (we're in Houston so the temp is rarely a problem; although the water does evaporate at a rate of ~10 gallons/wk). OK! Great! So, off to Petsmart we go and get the following little starter set:
2 x Goldfish
2 x Swordtail Platys
2 x Marble Mollys
1 x Pleco
Current Problem:
Fast forward 10 months later and we have a metric ****-ton of Mollys and Platys! Like holy-**** schools of them! If they were were locusts, they would blot out the sun. I still remember the the lady at Petsmart asking us if we wanted male/female pairs so they could have babies, to which we replied, "oh, wow, yeah, that sounds great!."
So, anyway, we've given them out to friends. Our friends don't want any more and now despise us for giving them the most fertile fishes in the world. Our local elementary schools don't want any more either. Worse, none of our local pet stores want them, even for free (which is weird, right?).
TL;DR: I'm about to give away about a third of them (again!). What I really want to do this time around is introduce some other kind of fish that'll eat the new fry.
Any suggestions?
P.S. It's live planted and has plenty of caves and hiding spots which I'm sure if helping the fry survive.
P.P.S. The Pelco is now a leviathan, something else the bubbly Petsmart lady forgot to mention...
About 10 months ago me and my g/f are walking around Lowes when we spot this:
We bought it on impulse despite the fact that neither of us has ever owned anything more than a beta bowl in our lives. After spending the entire weekend setting it up and decorating it we decided to stock it. It's a ~90 gallon pond and we keep it outdoors on the patio (we're in Houston so the temp is rarely a problem; although the water does evaporate at a rate of ~10 gallons/wk). OK! Great! So, off to Petsmart we go and get the following little starter set:
2 x Goldfish
2 x Swordtail Platys
2 x Marble Mollys
1 x Pleco
Current Problem:
Fast forward 10 months later and we have a metric ****-ton of Mollys and Platys! Like holy-**** schools of them! If they were were locusts, they would blot out the sun. I still remember the the lady at Petsmart asking us if we wanted male/female pairs so they could have babies, to which we replied, "oh, wow, yeah, that sounds great!."
So, anyway, we've given them out to friends. Our friends don't want any more and now despise us for giving them the most fertile fishes in the world. Our local elementary schools don't want any more either. Worse, none of our local pet stores want them, even for free (which is weird, right?).
TL;DR: I'm about to give away about a third of them (again!). What I really want to do this time around is introduce some other kind of fish that'll eat the new fry.
Any suggestions?
P.S. It's live planted and has plenty of caves and hiding spots which I'm sure if helping the fry survive.
P.P.S. The Pelco is now a leviathan, something else the bubbly Petsmart lady forgot to mention...