chances are no. and your tank is overstocked already why keeping adding more? are you upgrading or something?
im actually trying to get rid of the regular rainbow shark and the gold algae eater to one of the guys on here that lives here in des moines where i am.
i guess i shouldve been more clear on it. it is more of a hope and dream on getting that guy but if i get him it will be when i get my 180g and after i do TONS OF READING up on him and trying to get as much info as possible on him. ive adopted the habit of asking TONS of questions and reading TONS before i step into something new.
really if i add anything, which i want to after i get rid of those 2 fish is going to be a couple rams, 2 at max. dont know if i want a german blue and yellow or 2 bolivian ones.
but first i am going to be doing some renovating inside the tank and doing some new things before i add anymore fish. im going to switch around some ornaments, add 1 more bag of black rock so i can drown out some of the colored rock (trying to get a certain look), and i wouldnt mind adding some more plants. i dont know if im going to add plastic or live yet though. im hoping that after i get rid of that gold algae eater that my plants will start growing better. i want to landscape it to my perfection of what i want before i add anymore fish though