freshwater puffers


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
Im intersted in getting a freshwater/brackish puffer. How big of an aquarium do I need? Any tank mates that I shouldn't put in with it? How big do they get? I know they don't get along with there own kind, but could I put it in my FW community tank?

Oct 22, 2002
people will probably flame me for this, but I've had puffers in with just about every tank mate you can imagine short of oscars, and piranha. They are slow, peaceful animals, not aggressive as others sometimes say. Granted I'm only experience in small ones, under 1". They are cute as hell though! I add a minimal amount of salt and he doesn't complain at all. eats just about anything in the tank.

I've had em in with neons, tinfoil/tiger bars, gouramis, discus, cardinal tetras, clown loaches, assorted africans, guppies, rope fish, and a few other oddball fish and I never had a problem:)
I'd say yes, put him in your community tank:)


Atlantic Fish

Really cool fish, I had one 6mts ago but I ended up giving him to a friend. The puffer picked on all the other fish I had in the tank. He was really fun to watch, but it just pissed me off to watch him tear at the fins of my other fish. Another friend of mine had a couple of them and didnt have any trouble with his, maybe the one I had, had an attitude problem..Good luck pick one without an attitude!!
John   8)