Freshwater rays


Atlantic Fish

Anyone ever keep fw rays with any success?  Id love to hear your experiences.



Well, I have never had any but have read that they need a large and preferably wide tank. They like tanks with a large bottom area and lots of sand. I also think that the smallest ray can get up to 8" big. What kind of tank do you have for the ray?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
They need a big tanks, prefferably with a soft bottom (such as sand) and little to no decoration, a shorter, longer/wider tank is prefured over a tall one, I've always loved these beautiful animals, here are a few links to get u started on you research _ray
i think these are Tea Cup.. Same stats anyway.  
This site has lots of different types of Freshwater Stingrays.. God, some are so georgious!!
This site has peoples personal experiences on it  
Some basic Sting Ray Information
A Caresheet.  

Anyway, hope these help you in deciding if you really want a stingray.. I know I do.. Wish I had the space! Good Luck.


Atlantic Fish

Thanks for the links.  I asked about them at the LFS, he can bring them in for me.  I would like to have a breading pair of tea cups.  Even if they never bread they would keep each other company.. *thumbsup2*


Atlantic Fish

I was going to put a couple of power heads in the 125g raytank, their tanks mates will be some Apollo sharks, Columbian Sharks, and a couple of Sailfins.  Do any of these species mind a little current?  I just want a little current to stir up the stagnant water and for a little effect.  


Atlantic Fish

Finally found the perfect tank, i was at my lfs and the guy was telling me that another customer was trying to get rid of a tank. this guy only bought it 6mts ago and was using it for SW.  He accepted a job in Ont and now he has to get rid of this tank fast.  Its a 230g, 6ft long, 2ft wide and 2.5ft tall. Get this, tank, iron stand, overflows, canopy, lights, 40g sump, pumps, filter media, pipes, heater, all the gear for $2500.00, its worth here over $5000.00, its a steal. I gotta run up and look at it today. the owner is putting it in the LFS so the guy who runs the shop could possibley sell it for him. *celebratesmiley*