freshwater scud


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I've been gathering and feeding freshwater scud to my africans who seem to absolutly love them. but i was wondering if anyone has ever put them in a tank with smaller fish and have them survive as a cleanup crew for the tank. I have a guppy tank right now, it's 20 gallons with about 30 guppies and 4 loaches and random snails. i first put scud in the tank to feed a larval salamander which is now fully grown and is in it's own cage. but now i'm wondering if they would work in the tank as it sits now. has anyone ever had experiance with scud or know how i would be able to care for them?


Superstar Fish
Exhumed!!! How ya doing, I hope all is well.
I dont know about the clean up crew in a FW tank. Its hard to get an ecosystem going in a FW tank without a ton of plants or algae. They might help the appearance of uneaten food but they will not help the bio load in a positive manner.
Is your SW tank still up? I finally got my 150G going!!
Sorry, back onto the question at hand.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
i got some live plants in the tank and it's the only tank with gravle so i figured they would have plenty of places to hide as well as clean up small amounts of uneaten food that the loaches don't get. i'm not looking for a substantial cleanup crew like other amphopods and copopods in a sw tank. just wanting to add a little hidden interest into the tank. but as i said i put a couple hundred in the tank when i had my larval salamandar in there but he did a good job at hunting them down and eathing them. but now he is in his own cage and has become an adult but the thought of having scud in the tank still kinda interests me. but as a nature lover and the condition of the drought i realy don't want to take a bunch of scud out of the cricks just to have them die in the tank needlessly.

As for my salt tank i am not sure what happened to it. it just went to crap one night. i went to bed and the water was clear and the fish were fine. i woke up the next morning and i could not even see the back of the tank, it just clouded up over maybe 6 hours and my fish were barely alive and i had brislte worms going nuts in the tank. i mixed up some salt real quick and put my fish in a 5 gallon bucket and they came too and looked fine. i checked ammonia and nitrites as well as nitrates and ph. everything was where it should be. my lfs couldn't even explaine it when i went up there later in the day. as for the tank i totally drained it and mixed up some salt and filled it back up. let it run for a couple hours to stabilize and everything and put my damsel in the tank. within a half an hour he was hardly alive. so i drained the tank and took out the live rock and filled the tank back up. let the tank sit and put the damsel back in and 20 min later he was dead. so i kept my clowns in the bucket and drained the tank and put 140 degree water into the tank straight from my water heater and let it sit an hour. drained the tank and did it again. with my live rock in the tank. took my clowns to my lfs and came home, scrubbed the rocks and washed out the sand, cleaned the tank and refilled it and put cichlids in it and thats how it's been since.