Freshwater Shrimp


Medium Fish
Oct 16, 2005
We've been trying to locate some types of bottom feeding (preferably algae-eating) fish to keep out tanks clean and also add to the beauty of them. Recently we got a 3 of these of gray-colored (Japanese) freshwater shrimp. One died soon after but the others seem to be cruising around the bogwood, and doing fine. They are very difficult to see as with their color, they tend to blend into the tank scenery.

I have also seen the red or red and white freshwater shrimp in some shops. They seem quite beautiful and would be a nice addition to any tank. However, I know nothing about them. Can anyone tell me what they are all about? Are they easy to keep? Do they eat algae? Any info. would greatly appreciated...


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2005
I'm pretty sure your talking about cherry shrimp. From wat I know that not that hard to keep, and would be fine with your shrimp. Also wat size tank do u have?


Medium Fish
Oct 16, 2005
We have 4 tanks... 48, 16, 6, and 2 gallon tanks... Only the 16g is fully cycled right now. The 48g is in the cycling process with 2 platties and 5 African Lampeyes. The filter from the 6g tank has been running in the established 16g tank for about 2-3 weeks now so that I'll be able to move fish into the tank without difficulty as soon as I move the filter back.

Nov 27, 2005
I like to buy equipment and such from that fish place. Go to and look under their live fish deliveries and what they have available. Yesterday, I researched some shrimp and such on their site because they give detailed info on the care on each particular species, pics,aggressiveness, breeding, water conditions, plus more. I hope this helps in your search for a suitable shrimp.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
I recently added two beautiful Singapore Shrimp (a.k.a. "Flower Shrimp") to my 12 gallon freshwater setup. They are currently about 2 inches in length, and can grow to approx. 3 inches. Just perform a search for them, and you'll see that they're brownish in color, however they do have the ability to change color depending on their mood and the need for camouflage.

And yes...the two I've got do change colors depending on their location in the tank. They won't eat algae directly off of the sides of your tank, however they do possess two pairs of fan-like filters that they will hold open in order to siphon the micro-algae that is suspended in the water. That's why you'll typically see them hanging out in the stronger waterflow regions of the tank, or near the filter intake.

I find it fascinating to watch these guys...I strongly urge you to read up a bit on these.

Hope this helps.
Big Vine