Freshwater Stingrays


Medium Fish
Oct 8, 2005
So apparently the US lifts the freshwater stingray ban once in awhile. they become available for import/ordering every few months, but only in tiny numbers to limited ammounts of people. I'm thinking about getting one for possible breeding purposes, they're kinda in a rock and a hard place in the wild.

Now here's the kicker, why the US usually has them banned from import:

'They might get lose and breed in our waterways, eat our native species, and harm people with their venom.'

this is a valid concern, but lets look deeper into the matter.

Simply, they cant make the transition into our waterways. they need:

1) Pure, clean water. take then nitrate count in the water, multiply it by 4, and thats the number on the scale in terms of how strng it is on the rays. Lethal.

2) Soft, sandy substrate. Very few waterways have this, most mud or rocks, and none are pure enough to sustain the rays.

3) pH of 5.5-6.0. Only acid rain lakes here are that low.

A ray put into any one of those bad situations abve will die within 24-48 hours, no questions asked. Ridiculous how the feds ban an animal which can be helped by knowledgeable aquarists around the US to survive in our tanks, if not in the wild. there's species of pup fishes which are only found in aquariums today, especially in germany, which they are illegal to keep. BUT! They are extinct in the wild, only breeding populations exist in home aquaria. Feds don't know a dang thing about biology...


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
#2 you have any links to sources online you can site with this info? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense the way you put it! (I mean the ban doesn't make much sense...)


Medium Fish
Oct 8, 2005
Only info I have is what comes from the importer, can't locate anything specific on the net. Yeah, most bans don't make sense, but the one on pirrahnahs does :)

Oh, and the info on their survival and needs comes from experience of many,(I'm talking about 20-30 people,) who are specialists in sharks and rays. I have a wide group of interesting friends :)

Oh, and BTW, the manager at the store I work at says the word from the Texas Parks and Wildlife,(or whoever the agency is,) is that the ban on them might be permanently lifted, because they are starting to become threatened in the wild. A permanent lift would benefit these species, considering they have no other means of survival, and those ^%%$*! logging companies aren't gonna quit overharvesting the amazon region plus other forms of pollution.

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Medium Fish
Oct 8, 2005
Thanks, but I have my resources :) I should have one in the next few weeks, tea cup size until I can aquire the 110 tank I have my eye on...currently I'm working on a mod for a rubbermaid stye container roughly 50+ gallons in size, shallow and low to the ground, hooked up to a couple of powerheads with sponges, and a fluval. Plan on about 50% water change daily with R/O water, continuous monitoring of water quality and a seperate tank to raise ghost shrimp, prawn, and guppies,(to be frozen then fed with tongs,). I'm turning my room into a stingray maintenance bay, lol. I've wanted one wsince I was about 6,(only back then I thought I could put one in a bowl with a bubbler, how young and naieve I was, haha,).


Medium Fish
Oct 8, 2005
Thats whats so funny, talk to different people, get different answers. Even the feds don't know what the deal is, get different answers each time I called the fish and game offices, lol. Doesn't matter anyway, I'm not some nutjob going to release it into the wild when I get bored of it,(irresponsible morons...oughta be shot dead on sight...) so there's no threat of it getting lose or endangering anyone outside. And my roommate knows well enough about the dangers lurking in my room...I usually have some mildly pissed off animal hiding in here somewhere, looks like a natural history museum with all the cages, tanks, and fossils I have on display as my personal collection. He learned fast why you don't poke at the stinkpot musk turtles :p


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
That sucks! There actuly fairly common over here. Ireland has no restrictions on what type of fish we can import for the hobby. No tropical fish would survive in our native waters as its too cold! Well we are the same latatude as Moscow after all!! Thank God for the Gulf stream!


Medium Fish
Oct 8, 2005
Yeah, US thinks its waters would support too many tropical species, and thats somewhat correct. But our water quality is declineing so rapidly it's even killing out our indigenous forms. Big industry out here screws everything up.


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2005
I always thought freshwater stingrays were the coolest. :D

Thats a shame that they do that. Too bad the goverment never takes the time do actually do some research on the matter.