friend for amale betta

Dec 25, 2004
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For a 2.5, I don't think any fish would be suitable, however you could add a ghost shrimp or two, they're awesome. If you want to, I recommend that you get a 5 gallon for your betta so you can add a three or four and maybe even an oto. I have a five gallon just like that, and its doing really well. They sell good 5 gallon kits with a bio-wheel at Walmart for 30-40 bucks.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
i would be carful with the ghost shrimp i had some with my betta pinky they were trying to eat the pore litle guy so i put them in with my togher petta reagan and they tor ehim to shreds but he is still alive if you realy want a tank mate i suggest you plant the tank and get an adf


Medium Fish
May 7, 2004
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No shrimp!

I had an albino cory in with my betta for the longest time, then I added another spotted cory, and they all got along great. Betta's eat shrimp for snacks, so that's not a good idea. The frog thing, well betta's have been known to bit the legs off of them, so I would be cautious when finding a friend for him.

Mar 11, 2003
If you give the ADFs hiding spaces (uprooted plants for them to hide under work great), they *should* be fine. However, everything depends on your individual betta, because while ADFs do hang out on the bottom of the aquarium, they like to float on the water. Food is another issue. They don't really like sinking food unless its live, so your betta and frog(s) will be competing for food. I had a male betta in a 2.5 minibow with two ADFs and they got along fine, but other people haven't had such luck. Unfortunately, what it comes down to is trial and error. You're never going to know how your betta reacts to a tankmate unless you put them together. And the best thing you can do is properly decorate the tank to give each creature their own space.
