Friend or foe


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
hello i posted a message on bottom feeders and no replied so here it is i hav 2 tanks a 10 gallon and a 25 gallon. in the 10 gallon is a rainbow shark once the 25 gallon is cycled im going to move him into there but i also want 2 clown loaches for the 25 gallon will these get along im also interested in a pleco is this 2 many bottom feeders?

heres the second bit once the shark is moved there will be 4 peguin tetras 4 neon tetras and 3 glowlite tetras in the ten gallon im also going to move the penguins to the 25 gallon this leaves 4 neons and 3 glowlites i want to get 4 tiger barbs for the ten gallon i have read that they dont get on with neons but iv also read there fine will they get along ok? thanks for the help:)


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
Visit site
As far as the clown loaches and plecos go, I think they will be too big for 25 gal. the loaches will get to 10-12 inches. The pleco will get much bigger. Cories and otos may be your best bet for the 25gal.

I had a problem with my tiger barbs torturing my cories!! So I could only imagine that the tigers would harrass your neons and glow-lights. I think you need a fish to stand up to the tiger barbs. My danios did well with my tiger barbs until I moved the danios. I was gonna add some serpae tetras to see how they match up with tiger barbs. What about more cories for the ten? Or put the tetras in the 25 gal and get a bunch of tiger barbs for your ten? Or put a bunch of tiger barbs into the 25 gal and leave the tetras in the ten?

All my opinion of course.


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
thanks. thats good advise what i might do is this get 6 tiger barbs for the ten g i heard they dont bother anything eles if u have 6 or more. and have them with 4 neons and 4 glowlight. in the 25 gallon (i think i might be more theres a pic of it in rate my tank freshwater under 'my first fish tank 10g' hav a look and tell me what u think it is) anyway for that tank have the rainbow shark with with 1 sucker mouth catfish i heard they dont get as big as plecos so it will be 10gallon- 6 tiger barbs 4 neons and 4glowlights and the 25gallon a rainbow shark and a sucker mouth catfish. (with more fish of couse) what do u think of that?


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
Visit site
Cool tanks. What are the dimensions of the 25gal?

How big does the rainbow shark get? I should probably check myself....but I'm lazy. What are your plans for the 25 gal?

It sounds like you have a good plan. But I would still keep an eye on the Tiger Barbs with the neons and glolights. I'm not sure what will happen. The tetras may be active enough that the tigers won't bother with them.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Word of warning, many sharks (rainbow and red tailed black) have 'issues' with clown loaches.

Yes clown loach will eventually outgrow a 25g, but its gonna take a few years (Clown loaches are notoriously slow growing).


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
the diememntions are 32 by 11 by 15 the rainbow shark can get up to 6" but i will take a while its about 2" now. the plans for the 25 is this:

1 rainbow shark
1 sucker mouth catfish
2 anglefish
3 or 4 guppies
4 penguin tetras.

is that ok not to full?

im hoping that the tiger barbs wont bother them if i get 6 and the neons and glowlights are pretty fast fish when they want 2 be so i think it should be ok.thanks for the advise with the clown loach i better leave it then would i be able to get a common pleco in stead of a sucker mouth catfish or will it get to big? thanks.