Friend thinks her fish is sick.



Clissa, a friend of mine, has a white betta. The same that we thought was a female, now is bloated; I thought it was developing dropsy but it just doesn't look like it. But now Clissa has called me and told me that while feeding Piggy, as we so dubbed him, he started to poo and it was white and as he continued it separated and she said it looked like white fish food and he thought so too, obviously, because he turned around to eat it! She cleans his tank often enough, and feeds him food thats supposed to help privent diseases and illness(so much for that, eh?). And his appetite is amazing, we give him a few pieces of food three times a day but he could just eat all day(thus his name, Piggy!). Anyone know whats up? Please n' thanks~



Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Some fish will eat even when they're not hungry. In the wild, food may be scarce, thus the instinct to pig out when food is present. It seems that bettas tend to get bloated more often than other fish, don't know why. A pea and reduced feeding will usually help.

Cook the pea, open it up and crush it into bite size pieces.