Friend wants help



My friend has been bugging me about it, and I can't take it anymore, lol. She wants a tank, even though her mother (whose greatness can never be surpassed by me... -cries-) already has like... Two saltwater tanks, and I think four fresh! Crazyness! Anyhow, shes planning on getting a 55 gallon, and wants to know if I'll do the upkeep. xD;;; -loves to clean tanks up and such- At first I was like, "Okay, sure, why not?" but then shes all, "I think I'll get two discus"... No. Just no. I have a book on discus and they are SO picky, beautiful, but picky!! And that would limit the rest of the tank to cories and tetras... No. Thank. You. Tetras are cute and all, but I like variety! xD; Anyways, now she wants me to ask, if this set up is okay(keep in mind too, that this is going to be a full planted tank).
4 Zebra
4 leopard
Fancy Guppies:
8 assorted
3 albino
3 regular
5 cardinal
2 hi fin
2 regular
3 balloon
2 lyre tail
2 regular
A simple "Yes/no" and "___ has to go" or something is fine, not gonna make you give her a full out paragragh! Lol


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
That's a little on the heavy side, but as long as you keep up with weekly water changes, it should be a problem.

Only thing I would worry about would be having that many livebearers in a tank. You're gonna have a lot more fish very quickly with that many guppies, mollies, swords, and platies. I would consider swapping out some of those for some more tetras. Especially the mollies, swords, and platies. For a variety. of reasons, those fish would probably be better of not in the list...

I would look at increasing the size of the cardinal school. A large school of cards (20+) is really stunning.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I second with all the livebearers. They are the bunny rabbits of the sea. You will quickly have a lot more fish than you planned. Make sure she is aware that the tank must be cycled. I would start out with the danios, then go from there. Fish tastes often change, so if she gets all of the fish all at once, she's bound to change her mind about what she wants. As I always say, it's much more fun to come home with one new fish every week, than 20 new ones all at once.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Also, livebearers should be kept in trios of two females to one male, so you might want to change some of those sets of twos to trios. Most of the traits like high-fin or lyretail are recessive, so unless you have a male and female with those traits, any offspring will have regular tails/fins.

In general with smaller fish, if you get larger groups of fewer types of fish, you'll have a more pleasing tank. Twos and threes of lots of kinds of lots of kinds of fish won't give you the best display.